Happy New Year

December has kept me extremely busy hence the lack of updates lately but I assure you that I will be back soon with more content.

This coming year in terms of war gaming, I am organizing a 20 player tournament in Flames of War here in Copenhagen and I am very much looking forward to getting back to more war gaming. With sabre fencing and club days both on Mondays my Flames of War have been taking back seat but I am now preparing for having enough terrain for 10 tables but I will need to borrow some from friends. Luckily this time of year is the time when most people do Christmas decorations at quite a lot of snow-covered trees are available really cheap. I recommend you take a look around even in shops that traditionally do not deal in models.

I have been doing some gear upgrades as well so I have not got myself a  Go-pro for my fencing mask so I look forward to experiment with that. Stay tuned. Before Christmas we changed system in rapier fencing and has moved from Capoferro to Fabris and that is an exciting style change that I would like to see more of.

In the sphere of books I have recently read “The Fort” by B. Cornwell and continue wiht his books, currently reading “Rebel”. While it is historical fiction and not actual history, I find it an interesting light read and I definately can recommend his other books such as Sharpe and Last Kingdom series.


Looking forward to do more exciting posts in 2017. Stay tuned and Happy New Year.

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